Liturgy Ministry
University of Central Florida Catholic students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to participate in the special ministries of our liturgies. For more information on the ministries described below, please contact: If you are interested in serving in the Mass click on the link below to sign up! Liturgy Team Sign Up Form |
For the purpose of assisting the work of the common priesthood of the faithful, other particular ministries also exist, not consecrated by the sacrament of Holy Orders; their functions are determined by the bishops, in accord with liturgical traditions and pastoral needs. ” Servers, readers, commentators, and members of the choir also exercise a genuine liturgical function.” In the celebration of the sacraments it is thus the whole assembly that is leitourgos, each according to his function, but in the “unity of the Spirit” who acts in all. “In liturgical celebrations each person, minister or layman, who has an office to perform, should carry out all and only those parts which pertain to his office by the nature of the rite and the norms of the liturgy.” [Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1143 – 1144]
As members of the faith-filled community of CCM at UCF, the Altar Servers answer the call to service that we all receive. The members of the Ministry of Altar Servers assist in the celebration of the sacred liturgy through the sharing of their talents and contribute to the spirit of prayer through the reverent way they perform their tasks. Service to the parish community is a way to live out the life Jesus promised us in the sacrament of baptism.
With the proper training and approval, an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion receives Diocesan training. “The Church was born of the paschal mystery. For this very reason the Eucharist, which is in an outstanding way the Sacrament of the paschal mystery, stands at the center of the Church's life” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, no.3). Since 1973, the Holy Father has given bishops permission to appoint extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC). The EMHCs assist with the distribution of communion whenever there is no ordinary minister (priests or deacons) to fully serve the number of members in the Assembly. They are engaged in the important role of distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly; they also work to ensure that the reverence for the Blessed Sacrament is preserved; they are called to be living examples of the mercy of God by their compassion and service.
Those who offer their musical talents for leading the assembly in sung prayer are pastoral musicians that serve as accompanists, instrumentalists, cantors, and choir members. The music Ministry enhances the liturgy with songs and instrumental music and also enriches the lives of the participants.
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“Christ is present in the liturgy through the Eucharist, the priest, and the assembly that prays and sings. He is also present in the Word since it is He Himself who speaks when the holy Scriptures are read in the Church” (Catechism, 1088, see also SC 7 and Mt. 18:20). Proclaiming the word of God is much more complex than simply standing in front of the assembly and reading a text. It involves the proper understanding and appreciation of scripture, careful preparation, the use of the voice, and attention to acoustics and liturgical movement.
The Office of Sacristan is a ministry of the Church by which a sacristan uses his/her time and talent to serve the priest before and after one of the daily or weekend Masses. The sacristan performs all preparations for the Mass by working with the altar servers, readers, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and by performing the duties within the sacristy. A sacristan is responsible for setting out the vessels and ritual books for each Mass, as well as returning items to the sacristy following each celebration. The sacristan fulfills an important role in the care of the sacred linens and furnishings and sometimes assists with the environment for the various seasons of the church year.